W inchester
Int/Nat/HnrCH NFS Mystery of Zion's Emerald Dream BCAT, CGC, TKI
b. March 12, 2022 | Black Sable
sire: Zion's Breaking the Rumor
dam: Zion's Spicy Aspen
height/weight: 28" 92lbs
hips: PennHip R = 0.31, L = 0.28 No OA #200252
OFA Good SLH-1267G24M-C-VPI
elbows: Normal SLH-EL1048M24-C-VPI
heart: holter (0, 0, 0) 8mo
Auscultation: Normal 14mo SLH-BCA89/14M/P-VPI
Echo: Normal 28mo SLH-ACA167/28M-VPI
thyroid: Normal SLH-TH404/28M-VPI
eyes (CAER): OFA Normal SLH-EYE128/28M-VPI
EPI (TLI): Normal 19.7 µg/L (July 2024)
DM: Clear OFA SLH-DM412/4M-PI
CHIC: 193706
DNA: NCD225155

Astra Grace
Int/NatCh sCH NFS Starsong Sentinel of Elune v BC CGC, TKI
b. August 9, 2023 | Bi-Black/Silver
sire: NSx4 srbCH Brick Chapel's Irish Majesty CGC, SPOT-ON
dam: NSx6 sbCH Brick Chapel's Written In Stardust TT
height/weight: ~27" / 76lbs
hips: preliminary GOOD 15mo
elbows: pending age
heart: holter (2, 0, 0) 6mo
DM: Clear via Parentage, Embark